Monday, September 25, 2006

Fashion: Drawing The Line Between "influenced by" and "lack of originality"

There is no line in my opinion.
It is lack of originality when someone's dress sense (or fashion line) is "influenced" by the 1930s. Or 1970s. Or whatever other era.
What makes the fashion of the 20s and 30s and up (all except the 80s... I don't know what that was about. Urgh. Scary.) interesting is that it was new and different at the time.
When people look back at fashion today, I'm worried they will see bad copies of past trends.
We need something new and original.




Blogger FA$HIONISTA said...

fashion repeats itself. Thats ALL i have to say, and if your looking at the extremley talented designers you'll see that all there designs are influenced by particular eras not copying them.
Case closed End of story.

5:17 AM  
Blogger ubergirl87 said...

Define "influenced".
I think you're confusing influence with when an artist brings a clear element from a certain era- an object, for example- and incorporates that into an entirely new vision. Whether in fashion or otherwise.
There is a clear difference.

1:29 PM  

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